Studio Nitzan Cohen



SOLO is more of a character, a bit hard but very round, very simple but also intricate, practical and pragmatic but offering a great deal >>>


Green is a small side project which evolved from an extensive ‘think-tank’ project we conducted around the working title of ‘living kitchen’. >>>

Brick Lane


SOLO Tables

This robust yet simple and refined furniture family was developed to be used in cafés and restaurants, which is why it offers great flexibility >>>

He said chair

A joyful project with wonderful people… A great example that no matter what technology one has(and Mattiazzi has the latest in CAD wood working) it is still all about the basics, about carpentry work, an intuition for wood >>>

It’s about time…

Time is all around us. It is omni present, pacing our digital lives – from the mobile phone to the car display or the washing machine. >>>

SOLO Stool

Solo offers a wider variety of colour-matching possibilities, as well as the great tactile qualities of natural leather >>>

She said tables

NC, I find several points of interest in your project for Mattiazzi. The masculine-feminine variation between >>>

Nan-15 Bookshelf

This slightly peculiar book shelf comes from the frustration that no matter what shelf one has it almost always requires a great amount of bookends… My reaction to it was the very naïve thought to try and make a complete shelf from bookends… >>>

She said cushion

The she said cushion is more an independent piece of upholstery then  >>>

She said low wide

NC, I find several points of interest in your project for Mattiazzi >>>

She said stool

NC, I find several points of interest in your project for Mattiazzi. The masculine-feminine variation between HE SAID and SHE SAID reminds me of Mickey and Minnie >>>

She said chair

A joyful project with wonderful people… A great example that no matter what technology one has(and Mattiazzi has the latest in CAD wood working) it is still all about the basics >>>

Nan-15 Packaging

This slightly peculiar book shelf comes from the frustration that no >>>